Appendix C — Acknowledgements

C.1 For the second edition

Many people have helped in the long evolution of this work. First was the late Max Beberman, who in 1967 immediately recognized the potential of resampling statistics for high school students as well as for all others. Louis Guttman and Joseph Doob provided important encouragement about the theoretical and practical value of resampling statistics. Allen Holmes cooperated with me in teaching the first class at University High School in Urbana, Illinois, in 1967. Kenneth Travers found and supervised several PhD students — David Atkinson and Carolyn Shevokas outstanding among them — who experimented with resampling statistics in high school and college classrooms and proved its effectiveness; Travers also carried the message to many secondary school teachers in person and in his texts. In 1973 Dan Weidenfield efficiently wrote the first program for the mainframe (then called “Simple Stats”). Derek Kumar wrote the first interactive program for the Apple II. Chad McDaniel developed the IBM version, with touchup by Henry van Kuijk and Yoram Kochavi. Carlos Puig developed the powerful 1990 version of the program. William E. Kirwan, Robert Dorfman, and Rudolf Lamone have provided their good offices for us to harness the resources of the University of Maryland and, in particular, the College of Business and Management. Terry Oswald worked day and night with great dedication on the program and on commercial details to start the marketing of RESAMPLING STATS. In mid-1989, Peter Bruce assumed the overall stewardship of RESAMPLING STATS, and has been proceeding with energy, good judgment, and courage. He has contributed to this volume in many ways, always excellently (including the writing and re-writing of programs, as well as explanations of the bootstrap and of the interpretation of p-values). Vladimir Koliadin wrote the code for several of the problems in this edition, and Cheinan Marks programmed the Windows and Macintosh versions of Resampling Stats. Toni York handled the typesetting and desktop publishing through various iterations, Barbara Shaw provided expert proofreading and desktop publishing services for the second printing of the second edition, and Chris Brest produced many of the figures. Thanks to all of you, and to others who should be added to the list.